OSHA required Felony Friendly Cleaning Jobs

Full Time


Collect garbage and debris from all areas of the property and dispose of it in approved receptacles. Collect cardboard, glass, discarded pallets, aluminum cans and plastic containers and sort them into the appropriate containers in the recycling area. Do this three times each day when there is construction activity.

Collect discarded building materials like scraps of lumber, drywall pieces and empty product containers and sort them into the appropriate scrap piles next to the recycling area.

Check active work areas for chemical, oil and fuel spills on the ground or paved surfaces. Follow established safety rules and reporting and hazardous materials procedures for containing and cleaning up spills.

Buildings During Construction

Walk through each building two times per day collecting and disposing of garbage and debris into approved waste canisters. Remove bagged waste from the canisters when full, or on the second walk-through. Dispose of the bags in the approved receptacles outside of the building. Install new bags in the waste receptacles at least daily, and more often when receptacles fill up.

Felons are encouraged to apply!
